LOGSOL media library
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LOGzin 365
And here it is – our latest 2022/23 issue of LOGzin!
In this issue of LOGzin, we take you on the road to reinvention and hope to give you a comprehensive insight into our varied day-to-day work with our informative project and specialist reports from the fields of logistics and factory planning as well as logistics software. But our LOGSOL Insights should not be missing either.
Get to know us and see our expertise for yourself. We hope you enjoy reading!
You can find more LOGzin reading material here!
Immerse yourself in the world of LOGSOL and learn more about past projects and insights!
LOGSOL desktop calendar
Brighten up your desktop with our calendar!
With the LOGSOL desktop calendar you always have a good overview of all days!
Always be up to date with us! We are always the first to provide you with exciting content such as project reports, competitions, trade fair news and invitations, insights from the LOGSOL world and much more.
and don’t miss any news from the professional world, project reports, exclusive trade fair invitations and insights!
Get an overview of our software products.